Monday, May 18, 2009


Ann and Stacey suggested that I create a "blog" so that the family can follow what is going on here at our house.

So, I am going to try to keep everyone up-to-date with this means of communication.

Grandpa is feeling much better. I got him home from the hospital yesterday "Sunday" and he seems to be more like himself than he has been for quite some time.

The heart doctor's orders are to take it easy for one week and then next Tuesday we have an appointment to go and see him and see how grandpa is doing.

I notice today that he feels good enough to do quite a bit, and I have to keep reminding him that he has to take it easy and take care of himself. I am hoping that he won't push himself and that he will listen to his body.

He had lots of visitors yesterday and lots today. He was able to take a nap and now he is outside sitting in the shade and enjoying being outside.

He gets is blood checked for the kidney function tomorrow, and we are so hopeful that they are doing okay. The doctors were concerned about the dye that they had to use when then put the stint in and said that it could cause the kidneys some distress. We will find out in the next day or two. But, all in all he feels good.

I will keep you all posted.


  1. Thanks for doing this! I think it will be great to be able to know what you two "kids" are up to. Love you!

  2. Yeah!!! Grandma, you are so cool.I am glad we will be able to keep an eye on two. Make sure you email everyone that you have a blog, I am sure they will be as excited as we are! Love you!

  3. Grandma I am so glad that you finally got a blog. YEAH!!!
